Painted imitation of white Carrara marble, on more than 400 items sent internationally, for luxury group
Restoration of the decorations of the Sacristy of the Basilica of Péruwelz, Belgium
Colorful decoration of a war soldier
Painted scenery on canvas for private mansion
Still life painted on canvas, private commission
Renovation and decoration of Notre Dame de Mont Roland chapel, east of France
Handpainted stone imitation in private mansion on 300 square meters
Handpainted scenery on canvas, for a private company
Handpainted oak imitation in the entrance of Wambrechies City Hall
Painting of a company logo on ceiling
Canvas painting for private individuals
Painting restoration of Roubaix City Hall
Decorative patterns, art nouveau style, private residence
Decorative patterns, based upon an original art work, in Church of Ascq, Villeneuve d’Ascq
Big dimension mural, in private swimming pool, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage
Patinas, stone effects, hand-painted marble imitation in private residence
Hand-painted sky, with birds, for Victoria Mansion, North of France. Also Art Nouveau ornaments painted on patina, hand-painted wood on woodwork (old oak imitation)
Ornaments, and stone effects in Church of Compiègne
Magnet Castle. Hand-painted wood imitation on walls, with trompe-l’œil effects (mouldings), and stone effects (above). Here the wall is completly flat
Magnet Castle. Hand-painted ornaments on ceiling’s mouldings.
Magnet Castle. Hand-painted ornaments on ceiling’s mouldings.